Works seamlessly with any department within your organization with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations, and Dynamics NAV.
Store documents on Purchase Quotes, Purchase Order, Archived quotes and orders, Posted Purchase Receipts, Warehouse Receipts, and on the Posted Purchase invoices and associated ledger entries.
Send Purchase Orders to vendors and store Vendor Acknowledgements on the Purchase Order record.
Automatically attach Terms and Conditions to the Purchase Order, and add additional supporting documents into emails to vendors.
Merge Terms and Conditions with Purchase Order documents.
Improve visibility to purchase order revisions and their audit trail and supporting documents.
Have quick access to Item documentation directly from the Purchase Orders.
Route Purchase Quotes and Purchase Order for review and approval including to approvers who are non-Dynamics users.
See related transactions from the Purchase Order including previous purchase quotes, item documents, posted receipts, warehouse receipts, and posted purchase invoices.
Store vendor on-boarding documents for quick reference within NAV/Datahaven and also visible from the purchase order record.
Utilize workflow to better communicate with the AP and Finance teams for Purchase Order changes and receipts.
Documents follow the entire transaction lifecycle including posting and transaction archiving
AP Managers have more visibility for new invoices and supporting documentation by utilizing Datahaven workflow and document access on the Dynamics transaction (Purchase Invoice, Purchase Credit Memos, Purchase Orders, Purchase Return Orders, Vendor Ledger, Payment Journals, General Journals, …)
Accounts Payables team members can utilize the flexible Datahaven workflow queues to work together on similar documents or to divide work into separate work lists.
Save time during the payment journal review process by seeing all associated documentation readily available, such as credit memos, vendor invoices and journal supporting document all on the Payment Journal Datahaven FactBox. Navigate quickly to associated transactions for more details as needed. Utilize Datahaven workflow to send the Payment Journal for approval.
Attach documents to General Journal lines and entire batches and see the documents on the Registers, sub-ledgers and general ledger after posting.
Utilize workflow and approval routing for Journal Entries to enforce company compliance requirements.
Utilities workflow to communicate to other departments or users regarding vendor invoice transactions.
Utilize workflow to send invoices to Accountants for review and coding advice.
Store documents on the employee transaction page.
Utilize granular document security and redactions to safeguard private employee information.
Store Item and BOM specific documentation.
Make item related documents immediately available and visible on sales quotes, sales orders, purchase quotes and purchase orders.
Show documents related to Fixed Assets, including child assets.
Show quotes, invoices, orders, and credit memos which have fixed asset coding, all from the Fixed Asset transaction in NAV.
Capture and send sales quotes, sales orders, sales return orders to customers and store Customer Acknowledgements on the sales record.
Automatically attach Terms and Conditions and add additional supporting documents into emails to customers.
Improve visibility to sales quote, sales order revisions and their audit trail.
See related transactions from the Sales Order including previous sales quotes, item documents, posted shipments, posted sales invoices.
Store customer on-boarding documents for quick reference within NAV/Datahaven visible from the customer list and card page.
Utilize workflow to better communicate between the sales and customer service teams and managers.
Documents follow the entire transaction lifecycle including posting and transaction archiving.
Capture and send sales quotes, sales orders, sales return orders to customers and store Customer Acknowledgements on the sales record.
Automatically attach Terms and Conditions and add additional supporting documents into emails to customers.
Improve visibility to sales quote, sales order revisions and their audit trail.
See related transactions from the Sales Order including previous sales quotes, item documents, posted shipments, posted sales invoices.
Store customer on-boarding documents for quick reference within NAV/Datahaven visible from the customer list and card page.
Utilize workflow to better communicate between the sales and customer service teams and managers.
Documents follow the entire transaction lifecycle including posting and transaction archiving.
Add document storage and document workflow to third-party NAV extensions.
Show third party transactions within their associated NAV transaction, and vice-versa.